Worship This Week

4150 of 562 items

All Saints’ Day (Observed)

by Jo Witt

Theme of the Day: The Christian Waits: Focused on Future Glory Childbearing is an excruciating process. Yet each day countless women, wanting a baby, willingly become pregnant. This shows that pain can be endured if we know it is temporary and that happier times come immediately after. Likewise, the time in between Christ’s first and […]

The Festival of the Reformation

by Jo Witt

Theme of the Day: The Christian Waits Steadfast in the Faith Jesus told his followers, “You will be hated by everyone because of me” (Matthew 10:22). Satan and the world hate Christ and anyone who confesses faith in Christ. So, the time in between Christ’s first and second coming is going to be perilous for […]

Twenty-First Sunday After Pentecost

by Jo Witt

Theme of the Day: The Christian Life Values Godly Government The Christian’s relationship to government is informed by our understanding that we are citizens of two kingdoms. God’s right-hand kingdom is his kingdom of grace where he delivers from eternal death. God’s left-hand kingdom is his kingdom of power where he rules by law through […]

Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost

by Jo Witt

Theme of the Day: Our God Invites Unworthy Sinners to Participate in His Blessings There are invitations we might be tempted to reject: an invitation to an event you are not interested in, an invitation to a party that takes place at the same time as something else you want to do. There are other […]

Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost

by Jo Witt

Theme of the Day: Our God Patiently Seeks Fruits of Faith Patience is a virtue. But can too much patience be a vice? If you are too patient, waiting to see if that pain in your stomach goes away with time, you might make a problem worse. If you are too patient with an incompetent […]

Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost

by Jo Witt

Theme of the Day: Our God Wants Real Repentance and True Obedience You have maybe heard the accusation or perhaps even made it yourself: “He’s so fake!” That charge claims someone’s friendliness or kindness is a sham. Such insincerity bothers us. We would generally rather someone be honest about how they feel about us than […]

Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost

by Jo Witt

Theme of the Day: Our God Is Incomprehensibly Gracious Today’s readings ask, “Is God fair?” The simple answer is “No. He’s not.” He doesn’t give us what we deserve, and that’s called mercy. In fact he gives us what we don’t deserve, and that’s called grace. It is not of ourselves; it is a gift […]

Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost

by Jo Witt

Theme of the Day: The Church that Forgives as God Forgives The starting point of forgiveness is the inconceivable mercy and forgiveness of God for the sinner. So, as a group of forgiven sinners, the church forgives as God forgives. Anytime we try to imitate God, we quickly realize our inadequacy. Yet today God tells […]

Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost

by Jo Witt

Theme of the Day: The Church Fulfills Its Role as Its Brother’s Keeper The privilege, responsibility, and importance of the task of being our brother’s keeper all rest in the words from today’s Gospel that follow Jesus’ divine directive. The keys of the kingdom have been placed into our hands. It is our privilege and […]

Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost

by Jo Witt

Theme of the Day: A Church that Takes Up Its Crosses Some churches teach that if one follows God, God responds by granting prosperity and peace. Today Jesus teaches that is nonsense. The Son of God tells us that if we are his disciple, if we are part of his Church, we will have to […]