Theme of the Day: The Christian Waits: Focused on Future Glory

Childbearing is an excruciating process. Yet each day countless women, wanting a baby, willingly become pregnant. This shows that pain can be endured if we know it is temporary and that happier times come immediately after. Likewise, the time in between Christ’s first and second coming are going to be full hardship, especially for believers. How do we bear it? We remember that this is temporary. Happier times are coming!

That truth is made crystal clear on this All Saints’ Day. On this day we remember every saint who has gone before us—all those who had faith in the Lamb of God: the heroes of faith in Scripture; our faithful Christian family members, now fallen asleep. They all endured hardship and pain. But no more. Now they enjoy perfect glory, peace, and joy. As we journey through this time in between, how do we endure? We remember all the saints. We focus on the future glory that waits for us.

Matthew 5:1-12
Revelation 7:9-17
1 John 3:1-3
Psalm 149

690 – Blest Are They
880 – For All the Saints
883 – Behold a Host, Arrayed in White
890 – Jerusalem the Golden
867 – Afflicted Saint, to Christ Draw Near

Prayer of the Day: Almighty God, you have knit your people together into one holy Church, the body of Christ our Lord. Grant us grace to follow the example of your blessed saints in lives of faith and willing service and with them at last inherit the inexpressible joys that you have prepared for those who love you; through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia. They are before the throne of God and serve him day and night in his temple. Alleluia.