Posts from February 2024

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Third Sunday in Lent

by Jo Witt

Theme of the Day: Rethinking The Worth Of Worship Person A never attends worship. He can’t see the point. Person B attends every week out of a slavish sense of obligation. Her mind wanders during the services, for she views the activities of worship merely as tasks for her to complete. Who is worse off? […]

Second Sunday in Lent

by Jo Witt

Theme of the Day: Rethinking Suffering Under The Cross We know that the cross was an instrument of torture and execution. However, Scripture also uses the term “cross” to refer to any suffering that one endures because he is believer: the painful denial of the desires of the flesh; ridicule and persecution from unbelievers; etc. […]

First Sunday in Lent

by Jo Witt

Theme of the Day: Rethinking Trials, Tests and Temptations “If God loves us, why doesn’t he remove all the trials and tests and temptations that we face?” That question demonstrates the religious assumption that those things are bad. They aren’t. In the hands of a loving God, they are tools by which he refines our […]

The Transfiguration of Our Lord

by Jo Witt

Theme of the Day: Revealed As The Son Of God In His Glory We began this worship series in the Jordan River. At his baptism, Jesus heard his Father’s glorious voice: “You are my Son, whom I love” (Mark 1:11). From that day, in word and deed, Jesus began to reveal more about himself. He […]