Worship This Week

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Sixth Sunday after Epiphany

by Jo Witt

Theme of the Day: Definitions Uncovered: Blessings Are Cursed; Curses Are Blessed When someone is new to something, there is a period of orientation. For example, when someone takes up a new game or sport, they need to first learn the rules. Likewise, when someone is a new disciple of Jesus, a period of orientation […]

Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

by Jo Witt

Theme of the Day: Reactions Uncovered: Love Your Enemies; Overcome Evil With Good Last week we saw that the governing principles of Christ’s kingdom initially seem upside down. This week we see that truth in how Christ would have us react to those who wrong us or oppose us. Jesus asks us to befriend our […]

Fourth Sunday after Epiphany

by Jo Witt

Theme of the Day: Agenda Uncovered: What Must Be Said, Not What Others Want To Hear Last week we saw that there can be a temptation to alter the message we proclaim to avoid apparent failure and rejection. This week we see that there is also a temptation to alter the message we proclaim because […]

Third Sunday after Epiphany

by Jo Witt

Theme of the Day: Reception Uncovered — Rejection Is Not the Exception But the Rule When one proclaims God’s Word, typically the intentions are good. We want others to know the joy of salvation and the love of Christ. Therefore, it can be surprising to us when God’s Word is met with apathy or rejection […]

Second Sunday after Epiphany

by Jo Witt

Theme of the Day: Uncovered – God Delivers More Than We Ask, Not Less Is the pursuit of God and the pursuit of pleasure two separate paths? Many make that assumption—that life with Jesus is a boring, sterile experience. They are dead wrong. Jesus came to undo everything that is wrong with our world as […]

First Sunday after Epiphany – Baptism of Our Lord

by Jo Witt

Theme of the Day: Anointing Uncovered – What Eyes See Differs from What God Decrees Our sight tends to be the sense we trust most. We say we will believe something when we see it. That presents a problem when it comes to the work of God. So often what our eye sees differs from […]

Second Sunday after Christmas

by Jo Witt

Theme of the Day: What Child Is This? He Turns Slaves into Sons The ability to appreciate Christmas is directly proportional to the understanding for whom Christmas is. Christmas is only meant for those who are held captive by our enemies, sin and death. Christmas is for people who have no power of their own […]

First Sunday After Christmas

by Jo Witt

Theme of the Day: What Child Is This? Our Savior and Substitute Already as a child, Jesus’ saving work had begun. His entire life, he served as our substitute, perfectly obeying God’s Law. Just think of how we often neglect the study of God’s Word. Then look at twelve-year-old Jesus, eager to be in the […]

Fourth Sunday in Advent

by Jo Witt

Church Year Focus: When The Lord Comes Near Theme of the Day: When The Lord Comes Near, He Lifts Up The Humbled Luke 1:39-55 Micah 5:2-5a Hebrews 10:5-10 Psalm 85 274 – My Soul Now Magnifies the Lord 327 – O Come, O Come, Emmanuel 5 – As Angels Joyed with One Accord 233 – […]

Third Sunday in Advent

by Jo Witt

Church Year Focus: When The Lord Comes Near “Advent” is a Latin word that means “coming.” The season of Advent is the four week period before Christmas that the Church uses to connect the two “comings” of Christ. The first time the Lord came into our world it was as a tiny, helpless baby, born […]