Posts from May 2024

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Second Sunday After Pentecost

by Jo Witt

Theme of the Day: Rest Is A Gift, Not Something To Be Earned After a long day of work, you have earned the right to sit down in your favorite chair, put your feet up, and watch your favorite program. After a hard week on the job, you have earned the opportunity to relax a […]

First Sunday After Pentecost – Holy Trinity

by Jo Witt

Theme of the Day: Only A Triune God Can Deliver What Only A Triune God Can Offer No Christian teaching demonstrates that we have a top-down faith more than the doctrine of the Holy Trinity. Scripture teaches that there is only one God. Yet that God exists as three distinct persons: Father, Son, and Holy […]

Day of Pentecost

by Jo Witt

Theme of the Day: The Risen Savior Has Not Left Us Alone Jesus told his disciples that, though he was going to ascend into heaven, he wasn’t going to leave them alone. He was going to send “the Advocate,” a title for the Holy Spirit. But Jesus wasn’t sending the Spirit just to keep us […]

Seventh Sunday of Easter

by Jo Witt

Theme of the Day: The Risen Savior Gives Protection And Hope This world is broken. Oh, certainly, we still see beauty in nature. By God’s grace, we have plenty of happy moments. But that does not change the fact that this world does not function the way God designed it to. It is dangerous, especially […]